7. Ensure Update on Your Website at Least Once Per Week

Your website is your first point of contact to the world, therefore, update it at least once a week to push content to your visitors. How effective is updating your site once per week? To know, check out your website statistics. Every week you’re going to have a possible number of:

New visitors

Returning visitors

Time on the site

If you update your site once a week, you are sending a new message to the number of new visitors and returning visitors every week. These are users that are more likely to talk, like, share, and engage with your organization should they can connect with your cause on a regular basis.

You can boost your rankings in the results by regularly adding fresh content to your e-commerce site in the form of blog posts or customer product reviews.

Your home page banner is the first thing people see when visiting your site, so start there. Add a new image, headline and link to a page on your website, blog, event, donation form, service, product, etc. Keep it fresh! Research has shown that large images increase click-through rates and emotionally connect users with your organization compared to small, cluttered ones.

8. Take the Information to Your Customers

 Business enterprises have a better understanding of the demographics that they are working towards but the need of the hour is to create a perfect profile of a customer who would avail the product or service that is being provided. A customer profile is a great way for a company to gauge the needs of the customer. The profile must include a customer’s likes, dislikes, family background and other important aspects.

It’s rare for customers to visit an online store every single day, so if you’ve got news to share about product launches or special deals, don’t be shy. It’s easy to keep your customers up-to-date using tools like MailChimp to send targeted campaigns based on your customer profiling and order histories from your e-commerce platform.

The bottom line is NOT to assume that just because you have identified an audience and then determined the best criteria to select and reach that audience that your work is done. EVERY campaign you’ll run will teach you how to do a better job in the future. However, you need to be open to that feedback and be willing to continually tweak that information to optimize future campaigns resulting in more and more effective results.!

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