So today I bring to all “REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER” Social Media guide for the growth of their business. In this post I will be walking you through a few ideas you can use to elevate your real estate social media marketing efforts. Let’s Go.

Schedule Your Content: Cultivating the attitude of scheduling your post save you more time and gives you the opportunity to get other things done. Your time is valuable, do not waste it. NB – Every spare time you spend creating social media posts could be better used in meeting potential buyers and sellers. The idea is scheduling your content in advance. Choose a day that you feel is convenient to create and schedule your content for at least two weeks, by doing this, you would have saved yourself the stress of posting every 45mins per day and also stay focused on other of your activity.

Post Relevant Content: Give your readers useful contents, not sales materials. Give them engrossing reasons to return to your site. Always write about what they find interesting, provide insights into the local market and share news about the neighbourhood you serve in the form of ebooks, graphics and guides. Trust me, people love following experts that help them.

Use HashTags: Always use hashtags and use them wisely. Hashtags can be great when they’re used to organize relevant and helpful information. Ensure to always use trending hashtags thereby exploring the various hashtags in real estate social media. By doing this, you sure will get your post to be seen by more audience and possibly get new followers.

Engage Your Audience: It’s important to get your audience engaged. Should you observe you aren’t seeing much engagement or your posts ain’t getting responses, give asking questions a shot which will serve as a call-to-action. You can open the floor, but ensure to provide in-depth answers that are more than adequate. Sharing what you know and teaching others wouldn’t be a bad idea! I will also advise you to provide a chance for a multi-sided conversation to emerge.

Build Up Trust: Building trust with your clients is key in business. If you publish infographics, write articles, share blog posts, and offer free information to help your clients, they’ll definitely begin to trust your expertise.  Offering free advice without pushing your services is an easy way of building trust. Ines Hegedus-Garcia @ines works in Miami and often posts about local events, real estate advice and other information where clients would take an interest.

I trust this guide to be of great help to your business. Which of these guidelines will you want to first try? Let us know in the comments

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